My first blog ever- My arrival in DC

I have had some requests to begin a blog of my experiences as an intern in Washington D.C. I'm not sure how often I will do it but I will give it a shot! My adventures began yesterday at 9:45 AM when I boarded my flight with my awesome Dad. Luckily he is a golden onyx crown member or something like that so we were able to speed past airport security. The regular line went all the way past the escalators and was doing the whole windy snake thing the whole way. (if you can know what the SLC airport security point looks like you will realize this is a really long line) We were able to get through security in less than ten minutes and that includes the delay when my dad decided to bring a razor on the plane. (he got a mini tool kit for christmas and added to his keys and there was a razor as one of the tools) When we began to board my dad informed me that he'd been upgraded to first class and he gave me his seat. First class is awesome. I was meant to fly in first class. When I am rich and famous I will never got back to coach! They give us whatever we want including FREE access (minus the extra charge of being in first class so I guess it's not really free..) to movies and HBO and ensure that none of those nasty people in coach uses our bathroom. I got really motion sick on the plane so it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been but I survived thanks to the entertainment the lady next to me provided. She was a TEENY asian woman that spent the flight curled up in a ball on her chair reading a giant legal brief and weightlifting magazines. She brought her own tupperware of fruits and vegetables and drank club soda with a lemon in it (yuck). During all of this she danced and sang to her ipod without seeming to care at all that we were all watching her. It started with just bobbing and swaying her head to full out body swaying and singing. Once we landed I saw my first political celebrity. I looked up from pulling my luggage off the conveyor belt (which I have ALWAYS wanted to sit on, maybe one time i'll pretend to slip onto it so that I can ride it for a little bit) and saw one of Utah's representatives, Jim Matheson, standing across from me. I almost went up to talk to him and then I'd tell him we;d met before when and I had volunteered for his campaign in high school and called people to remind them to vote but then I was worried he would ask me more about it and I would have to admit that i did it because I had to for high school government credit rather than because I am a good citizen. Yes, now I realize that he wouldn't have asked me anything that would have led to that but that's the conclusion I reached at the time.

After that we reached our hotel which was right next door to where I will be living for the next four months- the Barlow Center. The hotel room is super nice. It has a kitchen and living room and looks brand new. I decided to stay in the hotel rather than in my dorm because it is much nicer than where I'll be staying. After we checked in to the hotel we headed over to the Barlow Center to get my key and bring some stuff over. It's really nice compared to most student housing (especially compared to Heritage Halls). I will put up pictures soon. The most interesting part is that they don't use keys, the use these electronic key chains you slide over a pad for every room. You need one to enter the building itself and any room in the building. I have met a few people so far and they all seem very nice. I met my roommate today and she seems sweet. She is a public health major and cleanliness is important to her so I will have to work on my personal hygiene and cleaning... just kiddding!! but not about the cleaning part.. We went to Costco today to get everything I'll need. While I was there all my purchases seemed very important but once we arrived at the dorm and had to carry it all into my room I realized I went a little overboard. Shocking, I know. I decided that I want to live off of paper products because I hate doing dishes more than anything in the world. I got a huge costco pack of plates, cups, and utensils so we'll see how that goes.
My dad and I also went to the Holocaust Museum (which was really confusing, we could not find the entrance to the permanent exhibit for like an hour. It says the exhibit starts on the fourth floor but there is not public access to the fourth floor. You actually start on the main floor and then take a special elevator to the fourth floor) The museum was really interesting and a thought provoking experience. If you get to go there soon the special exhibit on Nazi Propoganda and genocide in Darfur are definitely worth the extra time.
One small digression, it upsets me that we are so outspoken about how horrible the holocaust was and how horrible the Germans and Europeans were to stand by while all these atrocities are being done to the Jews, yet we stand by and don't say a word about the genocide going on in Darfur. I had a professor that talked about how simple it would be to end the genocide if the US employed some of the same military tactics used in Desert Storm (I think that's what it was) but because the US doesn't really have an interest in Darfur, nothing is done. If we were to put a little pressure on the government to intervene we could save SO many lives. Sorry, just a little food for thought.
I did a practice run to my office- the Federal Judicial Center. It was really easy to get to and is in a beautiful building. I get off at Union Station and cross the street and I am there! Union Station is full of every type of food restaurant and shop so I will be able to have some amazing lunches!
I then went to Trader Joe's, which will be my grocery store while I am here. I am in heaven. I can get anything from chocolate covered pomegranate to edamame hummus. I am really excited to start shopping there. I am going to try so many weird things!
The hot water is broken at the Barlow Center so I decided to stay in the hotel for one more night with my dad so that I can shower before church tomorrow. My dad leaves tomorrow so I will soon be on my own. Wish me luck!


sugarbritches said...

That was awesome! Keep it up because I learned so much more about your trip than I did from phone calls and texts. I didn't know about your seatmate on the plane. Also, don't sit on the baggage carousel, it'll pinch yer bum. Love YOU!! Let me know what Mo politicians you see at church.

heidi said...

Aw. Little Hillary off in the big city.

Sounds like you're off to a good start! Trader
Joe's is awesome. Look for the peanut butter
filled pretzels - they are yummy & a great
snacky snack.

I loved the Holocaust museum - it's so well

Good luck on your first day of work!
Please write more & more!!

holly fay said...

Thanks for posting Hillary! It was so fun to read! I'm excited for your adventure in Washington! Hope all goes well!

Mooryan said...

Yeah. Good post Hillatardo. Heidi, I liked your comment that it was designed so good but they couldn’t find the entrance for an hour :) I know what you meant though.

Curious to see how real work is.

Lopsy said...

Hillary I am very excited for you. You will have so much fun! Will and I just read your post together and enjoyed it. Please keep writing. We have never been there and would like to learn more! :) Take care! We miss you!

Coach Campbell said...

My status with Delta is actually Grand Poobah Medallion, not Golden Onyx; G.O. is a much inferior level to G.P.? Hill, we had a great time in DC!Please keep up the blog!

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